Anyway, this isn't trying to perfectly replicate that ME1 design. Now, about the sniper specs confusion-This plastic gun was modeled after one of the two ME1 sniper models, which ingame comes in different skins as the "Titan", "Hammer", "Python", "Harpoon", "Reaper", "HMWSG", and in a lightish gray color somewhat similar to mine the "Avenger." In Mass Effect 2 and 3, there is a different version of this classic Mass Effect design called the "M92 Mantis" which Brickwarriors made an amazing model of. There's not even anything sculpted on this one.

Unlike other mods of this caliber, (heh) this was done not over months but rather over a couple days. Even though it has this weirdly intimidating essence and you aren't as free, there's not as much to do. (Why did they get rid of so much stuff into ME3? Did the multiplayer seriously displace enough developer resources to excuse getting rid of the mineral scanner, research terminal, Illium, Omega, Tuchanka as a hub, random anomaly missions, and all the amazing extra stuff from ME2?) Ah whatever, they're all AMAZING games and I'm having a ton of fun going through ME3 for the second time. Over 1000 hours playing the game (mostly MP.I finished Mass Effect 2 and Arrival then started Mass Effect 3 over the last coupla days.

(still seems like the best research out there on it) While this is a super late post, and literally my first post on the forums. finishing off now with Reserve packs to get the Ultra Rare weapons. I ended up buying Reserve packs (got a few until I got all the classes I wanted, Recruit Packs til I got all that to rating X (10), then Veteran Packs until rating X (10), then Arsenal til I got all rare weapons to X (10). So your odds of getting a Ultra Rare weapons are always highest from Reserve packs. But once those are maxed you're much more likely yo get rating IV (4) equipment, it does not increase the odds of getting Ultra Rare weapons. You're almost guaranteed to get 2 weapons from an arsenal pack as long as you have rare weapons to unlock. Sounds a little counter intuitive to buy recruit packs to get weapons.